Friday, May 22, 2009

School System in Canada

Education System in Canada is a provincial responsibility under the Canadian constitution, which means there are significant differences between the education systems of the different provinces. However, standards across the country are basically high.

The Canadian education system has both publicly funded and private schools, from kindergarten through to pre-university. In general, Canadian children attend kindergarten for one or two years at the age of four or five on a voluntary basis. All children begin Grade One at about six years of age. The school year normally runs from September through to the following June but in some instances, January intake dates are possible. Secondary schools go up to Grade 11, 12 or 13, depending on the province. From here, students may attend university, college or Cégep studies. Cégep is a French acronym for College of General and Vocational Education, and is two years of general or three years of technical education between high school and university.Many Canadian public schools are now accepting international students into their programs. Almost all public schools are co-educational and offer day programs only. Policies on accepting international students and the fees charged vary from district to district.

Private schools exist in every province and provide an attractive alternative for families seeking overseas education for their children. All private schools must be registered with the Ministry of education in their province or territory and must meet the curriculum and other standards set by their respective ministries. Families can choose schools that are boys-only, girls-only or co-educational. Some private schools offer full boarding programs, others are day schools and many offer both.

Universities and colleges
Canadian universities are internationally known for their high quality of teaching and research. Degrees from Canadian universities are considered to be equivalent to those from American and other Commonwealth universities. Most universities offer a broad range of courses and a full range of degrees from undergraduate to doctorate and can also offer certificates and professional degrees.

School System of Canada; another pointers to remember if your about to relocate.


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