Saturday, August 8, 2009

Roadmap for Canadian Employers

The Employer's Roadmap will help employers fill vacancies and will help skilled migrants to start work in Canada more quickly.Employers are key partners in helping internationally trained workers find jobs in their areas of training, and this resource makes it easier for employers to assess their qualifications.The introduction of new resource for employers interested in hiring overseas trained workers happened last June 16,2009

The Employer's Roadmap is exactly what is needed to make the process of hiring and retaining internationally trained workers a lot more efficient."

The Employer's Roadmap deals with the following issues:

* How to hire internationally trained workers, such as how to recruit, assess and select them.
* It includes suggestions on how to integrate and retain overseas workers once they become new employees.
* Information is provided on the range of national and regional resources available across the country to support employers.

The Foreign Credentials Referral Office (FCRO), part of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and TASC have worked together to create the Roadmap. This is just one of a number of measures that the Government of Canada has taken to help newcomers successfully integrate into the Canadian labour market.

The Canadian Government through Canada's Economic Action Plan will also be investing $50 million over two years to provide funding for the development of a common approach to foreign credential recognition.


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This blog is to help applicants who wants to go to Canada either to Immigrate , to Work or to Study. Also to know some interesting facts about Canada

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